Working with Spirit Animals: The Condor In My Heart


It never gets old.  The bus ride up to Machupicchu, the views looking out over the Andes, Peru...each time I am there it is different.  There are different spirits guiding me on a new adventure through this land that I love. 

This time they showed themsleves mostly as animals, and of course a few humans, too.  Over a conversation with Rony, our ever-intuitive guide, I expressed my passion for animals and how I wish I could help them more.  Then before I knew it we were at a refuge that takes in wild animals all over Peru that were mishandled by humans and offers the rehab needed to return them to their natural habitats when possible.  

We walked past the inevitable llamas, alpacas, and vicunas (their highly sought after cousin).  Andean bears were next, monkeys from the jungle kept as house pets or for show, a pair of tortoises, hawks, birds from the jungles, pumas that had been found being used in a night club in Lima as entertainment (people, seriously...), and then the condors.

In Incan spirituality there are three worlds - the lower/underworld, middleworld, and upperworld.  The animals for these three worlds are the snake, the puma, and the condor.  I was hoping to see these birds flying in the canyons of the Andes but instead, here they were facing us just across the way.   

As we got up to leave the demonstration one of the condors took off straight for me heart.  While the rest of the group ran to make space I stood there in a trance, ready to be consumed by this magnificent bird.  Landing right next to me and staring me in the eye my heart was captured and I was greeted once again in Peru.  

 Condor Spirit Animal

Oftentimes animals appear to us in images or real life with a clear message for our life at this time. Whenever this happens, I like to google “animal name” spirit animal for their messages.  Here are some meanings for the Condor:

  • Ability to receive messages and clarity through inner sight or vision

  • Interprets what she sees to her advantage and therefore knows the right path to take

  • Visionaries who have endured struggle

  • Strength through the ability to survive despite great odds

  • The gift to communicate with deceased loved ones and ancestors

Have you had an animal or insect appear to recently?  Try googling its name and spirit animal to see what message it has for you!