Sacred Site at Moray - The Uterus of Pachamama

Sacred Site at Moray, Peru - The Uterus of Pachamama

Community Circles 

Long before we gathered in buildings, humans gathered in circles - Around fires, around babies being born, around loved ones dying, around one another for healing, eating, praying, and communing. Join me once again as Pachamama gathers us for the seasons and cycles of our lives. See below for upcoming Events and Circle Offerings you can book with me.

Spring Equinox Despacho

Saturday - Sunday, March 23-24


In the indigenous beliefs of Peru, balance is the key to all spiritual healing. For there to be health there must be Union created out of the duality we live in on earth - male and female, light and dark, hot and cold. A despacho is a ceremonial offering made with all the components of life and burned as an offering to the Apus, the mountain spirits, to Pachamama, Mother Earth, and to God, the Source of All.

Join my Qero healer in Peru as we celebrate the coming of spring with the equal balance of light and dark. During the despacho you will be able to ask for healing, set intentions, and offer prayers for loved ones.

Following the despacho, there will be personal healings and coca leaf readings you can sign up for as well. Please contact me for more information.